Spiritual Deceptions of Our Age
Today’s evangelical church is by no means monolithic or uniform in its teaching. Some of the teaching that is even common in many of today’s churches is questionable or even heterodox at best and downright harmful, even heretical, at worst. At root, these teachings are deceptive because they are unbiblical and lead God’s people to wrong conclusions, beliefs, and actions. This summer we will be examining a number of these teachings and critiquing them by a rigorous examination of Scripture. The goal is to steel God’s people against deception that can cripple our witness to the world, and to promote their equipping to represent Christ well in a world in which the discernment of truth is fluid and the Church is all too often impotent through a lack of conviction and unable “to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). We hope you will join us,
CE will be on Summer break until 9/8/2024
10:30 AM
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
2 Chronicles 16:9a