Membership Christ the King New Member Form Do you have confidence that if you were to die today, you would enter Heaven? Yes NoIf you were to die today and stand before God and He asked you, "Why should I let you into my Kingdom?" what would you say?Describe your relationship with and experience of God until now, including how you came to know Him :Have you been baptized? Yes NoApproximate date of baptismName of the denomination in which the baptism took place:Have you ever been a member of a PCA Church? Yes NoAre you a member of any church, if so which one?Reason(s) for wishing to transfer your membership.Are you currently a member in good standing of a PCA Church? Yes NoPlease provide name and address of churchWhy did the status of your membership change?LastYour emailYour birthdayWould you be interested in serving the church by: Participating in music ministry Serving as an usher Playing a musical instrument Serving in the nursery Being a greeter on Sunday Helping with building maintenance OtherIf other, please describe how you would like to serve:CaptchaSubmit Responsibilities of Membership Download