Thoughts on Christian Fellowship

This blog post was written by our very own Carol Wakeman, on reflections of Christian Fellowship:

 This past Sunday when Pastor Biggs was discussing fellowship as a part of his sermon, he said that we miss out on God’s love when we separate ourselves from fellowship with the Body of Christ. In response to this, I wrote the following in my notes: “This is scary because you risk rejection. If the Body rejects us, then it’s akin to God rejecting us. If you have been rejected in the past, you may be expecting the rejection and so you either reject them first or refrain from genuine participation because you’re waiting for the rejection to come.” I suspect I’m not the only one with this type of fear, though for some not meeting together with the body isn’t so dramatic as fear of rejection but that life gets in the way (work, family activities, health issues, etc.). Despite these things, we should make every effort to fellowship with the body of Christ as we are able. This was one of the main reasons behind the special six weeks of Christian Education study that the women hosted recently. The study, by Paul Tripp, is called Women Helping Women. Dr. Tripp discussed being an Ambassador for Christ and we used discussion time to break into small groups where we learned a little more about each other and formed new friendships and bonds with the other women of Christ the King. I hope there are many more opportunities like this in the form of other activities. (There have been plans for a book club that are currently on hold due to some scheduling conflicts.) If you have an idea for an event please let us know.