Rev Mike Biggs
“The books of I-II Kings were originally one book. They present a dramatic portrayal of the Kingdom of God and its alternative in expressions of the Kingdom of Satan as they rehearse the history of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel prior to their exiles in judgment by God. In the history of redemption, these kingdoms, especially Judah’s, were types of the ideal Kingdom of God, which finds its realization in Jesus Christ.
“As such, they reveal essential truths about what this Kingdom should involve for us, what faithfulness and unfaithfulness to the Kingdom means, and what is involved in rejection of God’s Kingdom and the embracing of Satan’s Kingdom, and the consequences of both. Because the Kingdom of God is about our exercising dominion and rule over God’s creation for His glory and under His authority, in this book we see “models of dominion,” both godly and ungodly, which are crucial to understand as we participate in the Kingdom of God now. We hope you will join us, in person or on Sermon Audio.”
-Pastor Mike Biggs